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Tak Kenai Maka Tak Cinta

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

hi peeps! lepas aku beli cake leveler last Friday, aku pun buat laaa red velvet cake untuk 2nd time. objektif kali ni nak dapatkan cream cheese frosting yang okek! (anggaplaa post minggu ni, is a chain post. pre-requisite: read previous post. hehehe.)

hasil potongan guna cake leveler. smoooooth wa cakap...
before that, a little bit intro of red velvet cake (source from joy of baking). aku rasa dalam banyak2 info pasal red velvet, website ni bagi details yang okek untuk aku pahami. aku pun memang ikut resepi, step by steps & tips dari sini. hasilnya tak mengecewakan...for the cake la. utk cream cheese, sebab derhaka...lain jadik. hehehe.

red velvet ni dah lama famous kat US & Canada. originnya tak di kenai pasti. masih banyak desas desus mengenainya. ada yang claim dari North ada jugak yang claim dari South. ada yang menggelar red velvet cake ni Devil's Food Cake sebab warna merah dia tu. according to John Mariani, in his book "The Dictionary of American Food and Drink" that the name 'Devil's Food Cake' is so called "because it is supposedly so rich and delicious that it must, to a moralist, be somewhat sinful." paham? buat-buat pahamlaa ek. huhu. (yang aku tau, sekarang ni tekak aku meronta-ronta mintak red velvet cake bila baca ayat dia tu...seksi doh!)

dari dulu, aku wonder camner rasa red velvet ni yang sepatutnya? well peeps, red velvet ni ada rasa mild chocolate flavor with a moist and tender crumb. The mild chocolate flavor comes from adding a small amount of cocoa powder to the batter and buttermilk gives it a moist and tender crumb. If you are not familiar with buttermilk it has a nice thick creamy texture with a rich tangy buttery taste that makes baked goods tender. You can make your own buttermilk by adding 1 tablespoon of white distilled vinegar, cider vinegar, or lemon juice to 1 cup (240 ml) of milk. Let this mixture stand 5 to 10 minutes before using.

Once the Red Velvet Cake layers have been baked and cooled, I find it is best to place the cake layers in the refrigerator (for several hours) or freezer (for at least an hour) before frosting. This extra step makes the spreading of the frosting a much easier task as a freshly baked cake is quite fragile and when you try to spread the frosting there is a tendency for the cake to tear. Refrigerating or freezing the cake first eliminates this problem. In fact, you may want to bake the cakes the day before you need them and then you can just place the cakes in the fridge overnight to firm up.

untuk 2nd time ni, aku rasa confident skit & untuk cream cheese lak, aku kena improve lagik. gilos manis! resepi yang aku dapat tu, guna 2-3 cawan gula. aku guna nak dekat 2 cawan gak sebab was2. itupun manis giller. kesimpulannya, untuk cream cheese, aku kena kurangkan gula dari resepi yang aku guna tu...

Frosting ingredients
  •     1/2 cup of butter (1 stick), room temperature
  •     8 oz of Philly cream cheese (1 package), room temperature
  •     2 - 3 cups of powdered sugar *aku guna <=2 cups
  •     1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
well peeps, itu saje info pasal red velvet yang aku dapat dengan korang. harap2 ia membantu korang camner info ni membantu aku untuk memahami red velvet. u can't cook wat u don't know. tak kenai maka tak cinta. hehehee.

tadaaa! hasilnye... (^_^)

Webbek: A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.  ~Thomas Carlyle.


  1. wah kagum! kagum! fav cake aku ni. nak try buatlah ikut resepi. next week bbay kak iman! konon2 nak buat deco kek sendiri :)

  2. puanseri: makacih. happy pra-birthday kak iman! :) buat laa wei...aku pun gigih buat ni pasal adalaa niat nak buat sendirk untuk birthday diorang. aku nak try rainbow cake lak. insya-Allah. dah tgk resepi butter cake? aku buat ari tu, alhamdulillah jadik. k'slm kak iman. mgu depan hazim nak balik kampung perlis.


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