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Baking & Out Station

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

hi peeps. it's raya day! Alhamdulillah, esok last day swimming class Hazim. Insya-Allah. can't wait for tomorrow |^_^|.

untuk bulan ni, tiap2 minggu MA out station. dan ntah kenapa untuk bulan ni jugak, aku rajin bake. huk2. lau MA out station je, aku bake...out station je, aku bake. bila aku bake je, dia out station. hehehe. 1st week, aku buat Butter Cake. 2nd week pun sama gak. mentang2 jadik, syoklaa buat. huhu. last week, aku memperasankan diri aku untuk buat red velvet. sebab ada orang sebut nak red velvet kek, jadik aku try untuk belajar buat red velvet ni {*_*} sapa laaa tu kan...

well, for 1st timer, i repeat, 1ST TIMER, the cake's taste is not bad (gua kondifen ni beb!) but for cream cheese topping sadly, i have to say no no no (bukan salah resepi, k). i found 2 recipe but i decided to used the 2nd recipe (tipikal me, suker benda simple mimple. hehehe). so, no easy way ok.

for that, i decide to bake another red velvet cake this week with a better cream cheese frosting (finger cross). wish me luck k |^_^| i'll share the recipe when the outcome satisfy my taste bud.

on top of that, i want to share my last week project. sorry it's took almost a week to update it.

on Sunday, my family & I are having a japan food feast. i made a sushi for us. not bad for 1st timer also. hehehe. tak sia-sia chek tawaf IOI Mall dr utara ke selatan untuk cari bahan-bahan dia. hazim & i heart edamame. enjoy the pics.

mula2 ni, buat simple2 je. crab stick, zucchini, omelet, avocado, salmon spread :)
puas ati bila jumpa edamame ni kat jj. masih kena improve part gulung & kemasan of course.
lagik 1 kan, nak share gak 1 menu ni. berkenan lepas tgk kat afc. tak sure chef sapa. cam nigella rasanya...kot..........sosej with granny smith apple. sebab simple giller buat dia. hehehe.

  • 2 sausages, cooked
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, more as needed
  • 1 Granny Smith apple, peeled
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • Pinch sugar
  • 24 small sages leaves *aku tak guna pasai xde.
  • Slice the sausage into 1/4-inch/1/2-cm inch slices on the bias. Cut the apple into 24 cubes.
  • Heat the oil in a sauté pan and fry the sausage slices on both sides until golden brown, remove to a platter. Wash the pan before melting the butter in the pan for the apples.
  • Add the sugar, and fry the apple cubes, tossing occasionally, until golden on all sides. Add a little more oil to the pan, if needed, and fry the sage until slightly crisp, 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Lay a sage leaf on each sausage slice. Top with a cube of sautéed apple. Pierce with a pick. Serve.
hasil dia? of course okek.  it's delicious & it's just that. there is no adventure in my mouth (@_@)

no no no..this is not mine. this is the actual from the chef
mine? hehehehe....agak jauh panggang dari api jugak la. hehehee...

no komen.
last but not least, enjoy dinner budak2 tu :)

frog: ingat lee mereka yg tersayang. anda mampu mengubahnyer.


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