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Hello World!

As salamualaikum w.b.t. Hi peeps. It's me after a long hibernate (^_^) As a smart home manager (eceh!), I found it my time was sooooo previous to sit in front of the lappy & shared my chit chat. In shaa Allah, starting from today, you can read me chit chat at this new platform. More refreshing don't you think so.

Bukan aku x nak update blog tapi kesian blog aku yang sebelum ni, habis lunyai aku kerjakan sbb nak tukar theme baru. Am I losing my touch in coding? Hope not! So, the end of my blog is the new beginning of my new journey here. For my previous blog, I'll remain it as is so you can see what have I did (oh nooo!). To be honest it's not an easy decision to make but I got to do what I got to do. Rite?

So, stick with me for my new update. Angin kus-kus nak membebel online sudah datang! yeee ha!

xoxo, HFL.


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