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Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Hi semua. Hari ni nak buat entry yang agak skemA untuk aku sebabnya...sila refer bawah yea :)
Semalam aku dapat email pasal NAPBAS 2011. apa tu? aku pun macam kome jugak...agak lama blur. lepas tu tengok banyak blog promote pasal ni. jadik aku pun study skit. rupa2nya NAPBAS 2011 ni 1 majlis yang mengiktiraf para blogger dengan expertise masing-masing. ada macam-macam kategori. lau nak tau lg detail, sila klik NAPBAS 2011 - Cast your votes now!
orite. sbenarnya main reason entry aku kali ni bukan sebab vote tu tapi sebab aku nak Incik Nuffnang meng'invite' aku ke majlis yang gilang gemilang itu (sambil buat muka tersipu-sipu malu). so, entry kali ni aku akan cuba taip sebaik mungkin untuk meyakinkan Incik Nuffnang supaya menjemput aku ke majlis NAPBAS 2011.
Untuk pengetahuan semua, aku start blogging tahun 2006. masa tu terikut-ikut kawan. diorang blog, aku pun nak jugak. tapi masa tu aku tak berapa suker citer pasal personal life aku (perasan celebrity laa konon-kononnya). aku banyak update pasai makan-makan (sampai sekarang pun banyak update pasai ni jugak. hehehe).
i guess sebab buat half-hearted, jadik blog aku ni selalu sangat bersawang. credit to Mr. Samurai sebab buatkan skin baru untuk aku supaya rajin memblog. temanya mestilaa katak (wish i have the screen captured of the old one). tapi zaman kemelesetan aku memblog ialah pada tahun Jan 2009 sampai Mar 2011. lebih 2 tahun beb! bukan bersawang dah blog aku ni...berkarat terus.
apa yang buat aku rajin memblog?
sila refer bawah jugak yeaaa. (jangan marah aaa) lepas tu barulaa Incik Nuffnang masuk dalam ini cerita (sorry yea, it took a lot paragraphs to introduce you. hehehe). I want to earn extra money w/o i realized. from my research (eeceh..macam banyak jee buat research. but seriously, i did) i choose nuffnang with recommendation from my bloggers friend.
1 have to admit that at the 1st time, i was quite shame to put an adv in my blog. i don't know why (ngada2 leeebih). then thanks again to my sifu - Mr. Samurai, he motivated me to do so. so, that's how I know Incik Nuffnang. what a surprise! Incik Nuffnang is more than putting an adv at our blog. It's come with so much activities for us. it's really surprise me! tak rugi laa jadik Nuffnanger kan?
now, back to NAPBAS 2011. why i want Incik Nuffnang to invite me to NAPBAS 2011.
first of all, masa kecik sampailaa aku study dulu, hobi aku berkenalan. aku nak kumpul kawan seramai mungkin dari merata tempat. sebabnya tak jauh dengan hobi aku no. 2 - love travelling! bila aku ada ramai kawan dari merata tempat & aku takde masalah nak travel ke tempat diorang which is anywhere! masa sekolah rendah kumpul kawan 1 malaysia. bila sekolah menengah, up standard sikit. kumpul kawan dari luar negara pulak. jadik bila dah memblog ni, nak kumpul kawan dari World Wide Web! aku nak tunjuk kat diorang tempat2 makan yang best & yummylicious kat malaysia (night market is a must) & life style kita. how harmony we are regardless what race we are & we are rich with multicultures of many races.
then, semestinya aku nak membanggakan my lovely family especially my husband & my 2 little soldiers yang banyak bagi support & sporting bila bini & mama diorang asyik mengupdate blog. i want they know that blogging is not just about blusting whatever that come cross to your mind. blogging come with a price no matter good or bad. it took me about 5 years in blogging to realize that all our updates without we know, it is giving an impact on someone. selain tu, mama diorang ni nak laa jugak melaram kat red carpet NAPBAS 2011 tu. heheheh.
last but not least, i want to gain experiences from the super senior bloggers! it's very important for me so that it can motivate & inspire me to be a better blogger. since i watched movie Julie & Julia, I'm hoping that every little thing I done, I can inspired people to do a good thing not just for the people around them but especially for themselves (ni laa yang buat aku rajin memblog smula pada Mar 2011).
I want to be 1 of the luckiest blogger, on 16 December 2011, where 500 bloggers from around the Asia-Pacific region will flock to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 in Putrajaya Marriott. The Awards aims to not only honour the region's best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across Asia-Pacific. The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is brought to you by Volkswagen Malaysia and Putrajaya Marriott.
so, Incik Nuffnang if you think i'm worth your golden ticket to the NAPBAS 2011 (bet you will find it true, hehehhee...), I guarantee you that you are doing the right thing. look what have i done, without I realize, i have shared many of my personal thought with you guys :) habis laa celebrity life saya. ehhehehe.
Hi semua. Hari ni nak buat entry yang agak skemA untuk aku sebabnya...sila refer bawah yea :)
Semalam aku dapat email pasal NAPBAS 2011. apa tu? aku pun macam kome jugak...agak lama blur. lepas tu tengok banyak blog promote pasal ni. jadik aku pun study skit. rupa2nya NAPBAS 2011 ni 1 majlis yang mengiktiraf para blogger dengan expertise masing-masing. ada macam-macam kategori. lau nak tau lg detail, sila klik NAPBAS 2011 - Cast your votes now!
orite. sbenarnya main reason entry aku kali ni bukan sebab vote tu tapi sebab aku nak Incik Nuffnang meng'invite' aku ke majlis yang gilang gemilang itu (sambil buat muka tersipu-sipu malu). so, entry kali ni aku akan cuba taip sebaik mungkin untuk meyakinkan Incik Nuffnang supaya menjemput aku ke majlis NAPBAS 2011.
Untuk pengetahuan semua, aku start blogging tahun 2006. masa tu terikut-ikut kawan. diorang blog, aku pun nak jugak. tapi masa tu aku tak berapa suker citer pasal personal life aku (perasan celebrity laa konon-kononnya). aku banyak update pasai makan-makan (sampai sekarang pun banyak update pasai ni jugak. hehehe).
i guess sebab buat half-hearted, jadik blog aku ni selalu sangat bersawang. credit to Mr. Samurai sebab buatkan skin baru untuk aku supaya rajin memblog. temanya mestilaa katak (wish i have the screen captured of the old one). tapi zaman kemelesetan aku memblog ialah pada tahun Jan 2009 sampai Mar 2011. lebih 2 tahun beb! bukan bersawang dah blog aku ni...berkarat terus.
apa yang buat aku rajin memblog?
sila refer bawah jugak yeaaa. (jangan marah aaa) lepas tu barulaa Incik Nuffnang masuk dalam ini cerita (sorry yea, it took a lot paragraphs to introduce you. hehehe). I want to earn extra money w/o i realized. from my research (eeceh..macam banyak jee buat research. but seriously, i did) i choose nuffnang with recommendation from my bloggers friend.
1 have to admit that at the 1st time, i was quite shame to put an adv in my blog. i don't know why (ngada2 leeebih). then thanks again to my sifu - Mr. Samurai, he motivated me to do so. so, that's how I know Incik Nuffnang. what a surprise! Incik Nuffnang is more than putting an adv at our blog. It's come with so much activities for us. it's really surprise me! tak rugi laa jadik Nuffnanger kan?
now, back to NAPBAS 2011. why i want Incik Nuffnang to invite me to NAPBAS 2011.
first of all, masa kecik sampailaa aku study dulu, hobi aku berkenalan. aku nak kumpul kawan seramai mungkin dari merata tempat. sebabnya tak jauh dengan hobi aku no. 2 - love travelling! bila aku ada ramai kawan dari merata tempat & aku takde masalah nak travel ke tempat diorang which is anywhere! masa sekolah rendah kumpul kawan 1 malaysia. bila sekolah menengah, up standard sikit. kumpul kawan dari luar negara pulak. jadik bila dah memblog ni, nak kumpul kawan dari World Wide Web! aku nak tunjuk kat diorang tempat2 makan yang best & yummylicious kat malaysia (night market is a must) & life style kita. how harmony we are regardless what race we are & we are rich with multicultures of many races.
then, semestinya aku nak membanggakan my lovely family especially my husband & my 2 little soldiers yang banyak bagi support & sporting bila bini & mama diorang asyik mengupdate blog. i want they know that blogging is not just about blusting whatever that come cross to your mind. blogging come with a price no matter good or bad. it took me about 5 years in blogging to realize that all our updates without we know, it is giving an impact on someone. selain tu, mama diorang ni nak laa jugak melaram kat red carpet NAPBAS 2011 tu. heheheh.
last but not least, i want to gain experiences from the super senior bloggers! it's very important for me so that it can motivate & inspire me to be a better blogger. since i watched movie Julie & Julia, I'm hoping that every little thing I done, I can inspired people to do a good thing not just for the people around them but especially for themselves (ni laa yang buat aku rajin memblog smula pada Mar 2011).
I want to be 1 of the luckiest blogger, on 16 December 2011, where 500 bloggers from around the Asia-Pacific region will flock to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 in Putrajaya Marriott. The Awards aims to not only honour the region's best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across Asia-Pacific. The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is brought to you by Volkswagen Malaysia and Putrajaya Marriott.
so, Incik Nuffnang if you think i'm worth your golden ticket to the NAPBAS 2011 (bet you will find it true, hehehhee...), I guarantee you that you are doing the right thing. look what have i done, without I realize, i have shared many of my personal thought with you guys :) habis laa celebrity life saya. ehhehehe.
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