Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Hi there. quick updates for today’e entry.
1. 15th May – Bestday anakanda Muhammad Hafiy
2. 21st May – Bestday my Awak & SDS Outing @ Putrajaya.
3. 22nd May – celebrate both my birthday boys @The Marche, The Curve. Best3…

So, ahad tu aku lee ketua projek. Aku drive sendrik sebab nak surprisekan diorang laa konon-kononnnya. Hehehe. bawa diorg pi the curve tp parkg kat ikea. tiba time lunch, trus pi The Marche. Hazim dah sibok dah igt nak pi cooking class. huk2.
1st thing yg aku suker kat The Marche ni dia nyer security. Well, sbenarnye more secured to them (xnak cust lari w/o pay I guest) but it’s a pleasure for me too. Entrance & exit door dia berbeza & setiap pintu tu ada staff dia jaga. So, cam tak delaa risau sgt budak2 terbabas ke luar @ kena kidnap kee apa ke.
2nd, semua pekerja dia local kita & ramai org Melayu pekerjanyer. Xdela aku trasa cam melawat Myanmar, Pakistan, Indonesia & sebagainye kan…service wise is very good. Very friendly, tak lokek senyum @ sengih & very helpful.
3rd, aku suker konsep dapur dia. kita terasa cam ada kat bazaar makanan tapi bukan param. Each kaunter/dapur represent different kind of food. Ada pizza, pasta, rosti, grilled, juice, beverage, bakery, etc.
4th, of course the taste. Aku sengaja letak last bukan sebab rank last tapi sebab save the best for last. Huk2.if I have to describe about that, I would say that the taste is very organic. Why organic? Sebab aku dapat rasa dia tak pakai langsung @ kurang artificial flavor. Aku rasa berbaloi aku bayar harga tu sebab aku memang tau rasa dia tu sangat pure…for me harga dia tidaklaa terlalu mahal. Berpatutan dengan quality yang dia bagi kat kita.
How things work at The Marche? Here’s a little guide for 1st timer
1. Upon arrive, dia akan bg kita kertas for each adult. Kertas ni kita kena bawak each time bila kita order. Kat kertas tu ada blank spot utk setiap jenis makanan ie: pizza, rosti, crepe, etc. jgn sampai hilang kertas ni. sebab lau hilang trus dia charge kita RM200. Huk2.
2. So, bawak kertas ke kaunter yg kita nak. Lau kita nak order pasta, so chef kat pasta kitchen tu akan chop kat pasta nyer bhgn. Tunggulah sampai siap.
3. Dapat makan trus makan. Hehehehe. Cam tu je..
4. Hbs makan, bawak kertas tu ke cashier (dekat dgn exit door). Kat situ dia bill lah kita based on apa yg kita amik (based on that paper).
Craving for more? Silalah repeat the 1st step. Hehehehe
So, itu je la dulu..nanti aku update part 2 untuk menu kami @ The Marche. Tunggguuuuuuuuuu… byk sangat kang korang lak tak larat nak baca. hehehehe. perut dah lapar dah ni!
frog: trasa cam rugi lak tak amik gambo secara detail. xpela, pi lagik. huk2
Hi there. quick updates for today’e entry.
1. 15th May – Bestday anakanda Muhammad Hafiy
2. 21st May – Bestday my Awak & SDS Outing @ Putrajaya.
3. 22nd May – celebrate both my birthday boys @The Marche, The Curve. Best3…

So, ahad tu aku lee ketua projek. Aku drive sendrik sebab nak surprisekan diorang laa konon-kononnnya. Hehehe. bawa diorg pi the curve tp parkg kat ikea. tiba time lunch, trus pi The Marche. Hazim dah sibok dah igt nak pi cooking class. huk2.
1st thing yg aku suker kat The Marche ni dia nyer security. Well, sbenarnye more secured to them (xnak cust lari w/o pay I guest) but it’s a pleasure for me too. Entrance & exit door dia berbeza & setiap pintu tu ada staff dia jaga. So, cam tak delaa risau sgt budak2 terbabas ke luar @ kena kidnap kee apa ke.
2nd, semua pekerja dia local kita & ramai org Melayu pekerjanyer. Xdela aku trasa cam melawat Myanmar, Pakistan, Indonesia & sebagainye kan…service wise is very good. Very friendly, tak lokek senyum @ sengih & very helpful.
3rd, aku suker konsep dapur dia. kita terasa cam ada kat bazaar makanan tapi bukan param. Each kaunter/dapur represent different kind of food. Ada pizza, pasta, rosti, grilled, juice, beverage, bakery, etc.
4th, of course the taste. Aku sengaja letak last bukan sebab rank last tapi sebab save the best for last. Huk2.if I have to describe about that, I would say that the taste is very organic. Why organic? Sebab aku dapat rasa dia tak pakai langsung @ kurang artificial flavor. Aku rasa berbaloi aku bayar harga tu sebab aku memang tau rasa dia tu sangat pure…for me harga dia tidaklaa terlalu mahal. Berpatutan dengan quality yang dia bagi kat kita.
How things work at The Marche? Here’s a little guide for 1st timer
1. Upon arrive, dia akan bg kita kertas for each adult. Kertas ni kita kena bawak each time bila kita order. Kat kertas tu ada blank spot utk setiap jenis makanan ie: pizza, rosti, crepe, etc. jgn sampai hilang kertas ni. sebab lau hilang trus dia charge kita RM200. Huk2.
2. So, bawak kertas ke kaunter yg kita nak. Lau kita nak order pasta, so chef kat pasta kitchen tu akan chop kat pasta nyer bhgn. Tunggulah sampai siap.
3. Dapat makan trus makan. Hehehehe. Cam tu je..
4. Hbs makan, bawak kertas tu ke cashier (dekat dgn exit door). Kat situ dia bill lah kita based on apa yg kita amik (based on that paper).
Craving for more? Silalah repeat the 1st step. Hehehehe
So, itu je la dulu..nanti aku update part 2 untuk menu kami @ The Marche. Tunggguuuuuuuuuu… byk sangat kang korang lak tak larat nak baca. hehehehe. perut dah lapar dah ni!
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