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Showing posts from September, 2011

When Frog Is Dragon

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Lama tak update blog. sbelum lupa, Alhamdulillah bujang kecik saya Hafiy dah sembuh daripada chicken pox attacked! Terima kasih pada semua yang mendoakan kesihatan dia & we really appreciate your concerns! Sekarang ni dalam usaha nak bg hilang dot-dot tuuu :) wahai kawan2 smua, entah kenapa kebelakangan ni, saya mcm hilang upaya untuk menulis blog. walaupun banyak benda saya nak update. saya ada waiting list untuk update tempat2 makan. percayalaaa... saya telah mendiagnosis diri sendiri & dengan ini, saya telah di serang sakit M. apa ke vitamin @ ubat untuk sakit saya ni? bila saya dah sembuh, saya yakin keupayaan saya untuk menulis pasti akan kembali jugak. huk huk2. till then, stay tune... frog: hello..i'm not dragon!!!

Polka Dots Attack.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Hi there. lama tak update blog. banyak yang nak di update yet soooo little time (*_*) tapi untuk lepaskan gian, i manage to steal a little time while the little Hafiy is sleeping. quick update k! well, this time it's about POLKA DOTS ATTACK!!! For some reason I really love polka dots & loooove it more if it's colourful. Now, i manage to deal with polka dots everyday! Why? How? Well, it's all over my youngest son's body... yeap. u read it right! the polka dots AKA chicken pox is at Hafiy right now. it's started on last Sunday. perhaps it's time for us to enjoy the weekend at home. since raya we spend our weekend at home only for sleeping. other than that we are busy completing our meal courses from breakfast to dinner by attending open house @ open houseS. please don't get it wrong. i'm not complaining but we are really grateful for that, thanks for those who invited us & sorry to whose invitation we can't fulfill *next...

Update Lepas Raya

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.   hi there. wassup? apa cerr lepas raya ni? adakah pertambahan berat badan anda melebihi nilai susut di bulan puasa? kalau ya, say no more. saya paham perasaan anda. uwaaaaaaaaaa... even cirrrr birrr pun tak dapat nak nolong. raya ni, hazim demam + muntah (terlebih mkn durian). tu tak kira tgh2 mlm ( actually giller2 awal pg) kul 3 dia mintak air yakult. haiii..sebaik aku beli ari tu..lau tak, berkhemah depan mydin laa jawabnya. hazim ni lau demam je, tekak dia...pergh! 1st class wa cakap. lobster laaa, sushi laa...sebaik dia makan. hafiy lak batuk selsema. Alhamdulillah tak demam. lau tak, tak braya laa aku. huk2. hbs smua vitamin aku bawak dr umah. jadik cam farmasi bergerak pun ada ;) xde berkecamuk idea nak update pe sbenarnya. slain dr perasaan bungee jumping pg ni yg membuatkan aku smpi lmbt. huk2. Haa…gambo ni di amik masa hero2 aku tolong makcik2 dia mendeco umah. Diorang pun nak tolong “kemas” gak. Hehehehe.  pesilat pesilat mama frog: ingat ...